The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just a part of his life. It would be his state of mind. **Jim Slinsky**

El Nino did it?

Ok, its December 24th, its currently 32 deg and SNOWING in Texas. I was sitting in my study chair wondering what the odds would be the we would have a White Christmas in Texas this year. Slim and None. To warm and to wet. However, I began to think of what might be causing the 2nd snow of the year in north Texas and it hit me...El Nino!! My studies of El Nino have taught me this, you see most of the effects after the winter after the onset of this event. It brings lots of rain to North America (check) followed by a diminished hurricane (check) and then a strong winter (check so far) and a spring of heavy tornado activity (?).

My question, as I sit in my chair, is this..."what effect does El Nino have on the rut activity of the whitetail?" Everybody I talked to this year told me that their rut activity was really "off" this year. Some guys even told me that they saw a rut like activity in late October and then again in early December. I know, I know...there is a second rut that comes from the does that didn't get bred the first go round 21 days after the first. But, check this out. That's longer than 21 days and we are not getting reports of a "few" does in December, but major rut like activity 6 weeks after the first sign of the rut that came 3 weeks earlier than last year!! Makes you go, hmmm?

So here's my conclusion. Do you think God has control of the weather? The good and the bad, the light rains with beautiful rainbows and the destroying hurricanes that show no mercy. You better believe it, just ask Noah!! I did some research and found 17 verses right off the bat that show the effects that God had on the weather. To reward and to punish.

As you make it to your Christmas Eve activities, remember the reason for the season and the birth of a child that came to save the world. He would love to hear from you!!

Side Note:

"El Nino effects two major countries.
Australia and South America.
In Australia, The 'El Nino Effect' causes drought, lack of water, dry season.
In South America, it causes the COMPLETE opposite. It causes flash flooding, lots of rain.

1 comment:

  1. We started seeing rut activity in late October and it seemed like it peaked about opening weekend of gun season. Then we saw another wave of it in December.

    I really like your blog, Brad. Keep up the good work!

    You've got some good music on there as well.
